Saturday, May 31, 2008


Ok...I should be sleep. It's almost 7am, I walked in the house around 5.30 am. (Drinking H20 to combat the vodka.) It was awesome because I did not feel the normal need to be that party girl, which I am not.

Unfortunately the other twin could not join us but we made the best of it. We rode by D'jango's & the Verve but it looked like Black People are us. Went over to Atlantic Station to hook up with his Frat brothers. Enjoyable...they are crazy people but a good laugh.

Once Fox kicked everyone out, trust me they scream it! Basically get the "F" out! We went to Goose Bumps (strip club) but they were closing and thank goodness the bouncer told us so we would not waste the $$ to get in. Rode to Platinum (another strip club) and discovered that Club Miami stays open to 5 am and serves alcohol. That's what we were looking for. (I know Princess that's where you hang out. Don't hate.) was Rainbow night. Girl on girl action was in the spot! It was great because we both don't hate but enjoy the action. Although I was talking shit most of the time. And he was breaking his neck. It was cool. Music that I don't know because I don't listen to mainstream radio. (I cannot tell you want the "lollipop song" says but I know it is a hit.) The beats were cool and that's all I ask. I wanted some Luke...if you want me to groove like it is '94...please play Luke or Too Short, DJ Quick, NWA, 69 Boys...that's old school shake your ass. Anyhoo.......

It was a good night and we buzzed like no other. But did NOT get like 6 years ago...too old for that. Plus DUI is no joke.

My birthday was a good one although I did not parlay like before. Normally I take a week off and just enjoy myself. Since unemployment has been around my neck since 07/07 I have no need nor want to parlay like that. Add that $$ is not disposable. All the $$ I have goes towards Hawaii.

Enjoy the pics. I know I was strutting like a vixen. So out of character. ;)

Friday, May 30, 2008


Breaking up is hard to do. Whether you are the person initiating the break-up or the confused partner. Before the Internet when you broke up with someone you only worried about run~ins when you were around mutual friends or places often visited. But you could get around that. Find a new haunt, stay on separate sides of the room or just bounce when the person came.

But tell me how in the hell do you get away from someone when you met through the Internet? and your relationship played out on the net? You have to go through the process of removing the person from your friends list, delete emails or go as far as block email address. A lot of work just for a simple break~up.

In my hometown a young man was arrested for an Internet break~up. Read the article.

What would you do? How would you handle the guy? Are the charges warranted?

What I should be doing right now

My Gemini twin is taking me out to a club tonight for our birthday. (His actually twin will roll also.) I have not been out in over a year. Seriously. No clubs, strip clubs (I like them sue me), no bars. Nothing. SO, this night should be interesting.

What I should be doing right now...

^Washing my hair

^Giving myself a pedicure

^Choosing an outfit for the possible spots he suggested

^Hyping myself up to go


^Drinking large amounts of H20 since he wants to get me drunk...not going to happen (I will have to tell you about the last time about 6 yrs ago. Our Guardian was definitely in the driver seat.)

On another birthday was cool. Very low key. I went to Einstein's on Juniper with Ms. Bashir and after eating all my food (a HUGE accomplishment for me) and 3 martinis we went to Piedmont Park and walked for about an hour. So refreshing. I really didn't want to do anything too big since I am going to Hawaii in like 14 days!!

To my blog family that sent out beautiful birthday wishes thank you so much! Much love and kisses!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Lewis Hamilton wins Monaco GP!!!
See more here.....

Quote of the Day

It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem. ~~ Malcolm Forbes

* Photo courtesy of Notable Biographies

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME

I am 32 years old. Well...actually 10:28 am I will be 32.

I keep repeating "Wow, how did that happen?"

I will not go into how I am not the person I thought I would be at this age. My life in 2008 is not what I wanted but it is what I needed and I am thankful to reach 32 years in this world. And to learn the lessons that I am learning.

The 1st picture is the Tornado that struck while my Mommie was pushing me out!!! That was their warning of what was to come. I have been that since. My Mommie loves to tell the story that she thought that the Doc was going to break my back because I would not cry nor breath when I popped out. SHE said I had a face of "I am not breathing until I am ready...and I am not ready!" I am the same way at 32. I despise people telling me what I should do or giving me direction. It is a pet peeve of mine. Only deal with it when you are giving me money and you are lucky then!

I have not changed since May 28, 1976...facial or personality. I believe I was made good but life and experiences changed me for the worse. I say this because up until I was 5 I remember a good life.

My first memory of my life was around 3. And I know many will not believe it but it is true. I was sitting in my highchair at Billups Street in the dining room and I could look into the kitchen I saw that Mom was frying BACON!!! And I distinctly remember thinking "I am going to eat some bacon!" Back then I was a pig. I ate everything! Mom can confirm this. My Doc put me on cereal with my bottle at 5 weeks or so because Mom could not sleep because I ate every hour. (Such a shame because now I only eat once a day or so.) That bacon was SOOOOOO good.

My nickname growing up was TV/VCR. Because I could remember everything and repeat it verbatim. (Many of my cousins fell victim to the switch.) I am still the same way. Don't lie because I will catch you.

Now I put on the mask...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quote of the Day

Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct yourself. Otherwise, go on about your business. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Monday, May 26, 2008

Quote of the Day

We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. ~ Anais Nin

Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day, the men in my family who have served, the men I have dated who serve, and the men and women who serve...

A musical tribute to our Nation and its Veterans

Tuskegee Airmen

Marvin Gaye

Jimi Hendrix


Kim Weston

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Randonmness...

^ I went to 6 Flags today after a 12 year hiatus. I enjoyed it much more this time around than my last time! Thanks to the Robinson clan!!

^ Why when the dysfunction in hometown comes to a head I never hear from them?

^ Why when I have done something to disappoint them I get the cold shoulder?

^ Tickets are booked!!!! I am off to Hawaii in June!!!

^ The baby got a bath and is not speaking to me!!! How can a dog not speak you ask? Trust me they are moody as hell.

^ I miss the companionship of a male. It's been so long. And I am not speaking of sex. That's been so long I forgot how to do it. Just a man.

^ I started up on a story I was working on back in '05. Enjoying the process again.

^ My birthday is Wednesday. I will be 32! For the 1st time in a loonngg time I am not excited. I am working on it.

^ I don't have all the answers so please stop asking for them.

^ Please stop using religion to justify your judgemental nature. It's ugly on you.

^ Still unemployed. SUCKS!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

101 in 1001 Days...Update

Just finished #96. Wasn't as hard as I thought. Actually feels like a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulder. Why do we put ourselves into situations that make us unhappy?

NBA Cuteness...Part IV

For Kobe...

Once again the pickings are sparse. But these are the 4 teams in the final and they should be applauded for their b-ball skills as well as their good genes.

LA Lakers>>>>>>>
Andrew Bynum

Derek Fisher

Ronny Turiaf

Trevor Ariza

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Music Listening...

So I am listening to my old tapes...yes TAPES. As in a tape recorder. A small plastic device with 2 wheels that turn the music. And guess who I came upon? Jermaine Stewart!!! Do you remember him? "You don't have to take your clothes off!" Yeah wouldn't that be the day?

What I love most about the lyrics of the song and the video is that he showed images of prom and graduation which is normal reason to give it up and he refrained. (And in my mind to make a point I will disregard the fact that he was gay and it was a woman going after him.) I so wish that we could ignore the expectant nature in us to just give in. There is no reason.

Ok. Off my soapbox. This is a great song. A great dance song. You can believe that I was dancing my ass off!!!!!!!!! The 80's were great!


I took this from Confessions of a Professional Woman

1. Where is your cell phone? Charging

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? NO

3. Your hair? A mess...needs deep conditioning

4. Your mother? Rare woman

6. Your favorite thing? Reading

7. Your dream last night? Married with a wonderful older man.

8. Your favorite drink? Vodka & tonic

9. Your dream car? Corvette

10. The room you're in? Controlled chaos

11. Your ex? Albany

12. Your fear? Disappointment

13. Your favorite number? 28

14. Where were you last night? At home

15. What you're not doing right now? Writing cover letters

16. Muffins? I stay away from bread hips don't like them

17. One of your wish list items? Contentment and happiness

18. Grew up at? GA Peach

19. The last thing you did? Walked my dog

20. What are you wearing? Jeans and Sports bra

21. Your TV? 32 inch

22. Your pet or pets? Dog

23. Your computer/laptop? Have both

24. Your life? Incomplete

25.Your mood? Tired, anxious, worried

26. Missing someone? Always

27. Neighbors? Who knows?

28. Your best friend? Ms. Bashir

29. Your work? Wish I had a job

30. Like someone? Not really

31. Your favorite color? Green

32. When is the last time you laughed? Goodness...

Political Movers and Shakers


Meet the African-American women whose roles in the forefront and background help influence and shape the 2008 presidential campaign.

NBA Cuteness...Part III

Genesis, (sorry I originally misspelled your name)

I will add more as you requested. Especially AI since I fell for him back at his Georgetown days! Let me finish with this final 4 and I will get to work on the could have beens.

Sidenote: San Antonio can slow a game down so bad that I feel as if I am watching paint dry. And their cuteness factor is limited.

And on to the San Antonio Spurs>>>>>>
Tony Parker

Kurt Thomas

Damon Stoudamire

Ime Udoka

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

7 Ways To Have The Greatest Day of Your Life

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.~John C. Maxwell

read more digg story

NBA Cuteness, Part II

Welcome Back to NBA Cuteness.....

Detroit Pistons>>>>>>>

Arron Afflalo

Juan Dixon

Jarvis Hayes

Chauncey Billups

Quote of the Day

"A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose - a cause to pursue, aperson to love, a goal to achieve." - John Maxwell

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NBA Cuteness

The Conference Finals are here. And while I am a junkie for all sports enough to miss church during football season, I must recognize my female side. And let's add that I have gone without male company for almost a year know where I am headed.

So between the 4 teams, here are my picks for hotness - not athletes - but pure unabashed male raw magnetism.
Boston Celtics>>>>

Glen Davis

James Posey

Eddie House
Kevin Garnett

Paul Pierce

Rajon Rondo

Ray Allen

Ok...that's Boston...stay tuned for the other 3!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Another Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday KG!!! 32 years young...I have to say that because mine is in less than 9 days....ugh

Happy 83rd Birthday Malcolm X

``````Update...please visit Electronic Village for more on Brother Malcolm. They have compiled a great video list.``````

Born Malcolm Little May 19 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska, Malcolm survived the murder of his father, the mental instability of his mother and the racism of his era to become one of Black America's most influential, beloved and respected Civil Rights leaders.

In 1942, while serving time for a burglary charge Malcolm met Brother Reginald and began his conversion to Islam. By his parole in 1952, Malcolm has dropped Little viewing it as a slave name and adopted X as his surname.

After his release Malcolm X became a superstar for the Nation of Islam and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He was in charge of opening mosque in various states. Increasing membership by the thousands.

In the midst of a scandal involving Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm terminated his relationship with NOI and Elijah Muhammad. The separation was a sensitive and hard act for Malcolm due to his close relationship to Mr. Muhammad. Malcolm founded Muslim Mosque, Inc. after his split.

After a pilgrmaage to Mecca, he adopted a new belief system in the human race. He met blue-eyed people who he felt were honest, decent people and not the "blue-eyed devil" he once believed.

On February 21, 1965 Malcolm X, also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, was murdered in Manhattan Audubon Ballroom. There is a long standing debate on the mastermind behind this event. Regardless on February 21, 1965 Black America and America herself lost a great leader an mind.

Quotes by Malcolm:
"Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today."
"There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time."

"It is a time for martyrs now, and if I am to be one, it will be for the cause of brotherhood. That's the only thing that can save this country." -- February 19, 1965 (2 days before he was murdered by Nation of Islam followers)

"A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself."
"The common goal of 22 million Afro-Americans is respect as human beings, the God-given right to be a human being. Our common goal is to obtain the human rights that America has been denying us. We can never get civil rights in America until our human rights are first restored. We will never be recognized as citizens there until we are first recognized as humans." -- "Racism: the Cancer that is Destroying America," in Egyptian Gazette (Aug. 25 1964).
"If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country." -- Speech, Nov. 1963, New York City.
"Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Congrats!!!! Congrats!!!!

Congratulations to Ms. Bashir!!!

Ms. Bashir and Mr. Robinson are now engaged!!!!

Quote of the Day-Can the Congregation Say Amen...

It’s easy to be independent when you’ve got money. But to be independent when you haven’t got a thing – that’s the Lord’s test. ~ Mahalia Jackson

For you enjoyment...

You are NOT off the List are not off the list. You are the only one who played worth a damn. Ray "Jesus" Allen. You better step up your game!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Ultimately of course every woman must decide for herself, from her clay of givens and takings, what has made her a woman..." -- Natalie Angiers

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Random Thoughts...

My post have been infrequent of late. I just have not been here...really just existing. And that sucks. And I still have nothing to say, but I do have random thoughts as I sit here waiting on a phone call.

-> The Hornets are going to make me drive to N'awlins and kick their ass.

-> I have the most bougie dog in the world. I need it to stop raining so she will take her fat ass out and go to the bathroom. (She doesn't like her paws to get wet and literally hops around to keep them dry.) I have literally had to pick her butt up and drop her in the grass.

-> My baby started crawling this weekend!! I wish his Mom was here to witness it. She told us when we dropped her off at the airport to not put him on the floor. Yeah, right. Homeboy scooted his but off my lap, down my legs and took off.

-> My Mom really should not have bought me the case of Coke. I promised I would not drink it all at once. I really am trying Mom.

-> Back to the NBA...the Spurs have to be the most boring team on the planet. And I am not speaking strictly on their play. No one on that team has a personality. No one. Not even Tony Parker. They remind me of Utah during the Malone/Stockton era. Talk about watching paint dry.

-> I worked for your company for 4 years. Must you really put me through the paces of a new hire? You hired me once. You can hire me again. 3 months? Really? 3 months for all the paperwork to be completed? That's BS. You know it. I know it.

-> Ms. Bashir---thank you for coming into my life. Who would have thunk it?

-> You can have Daddy issues even if the man has been in your life since day one.

-> I have to face the fact that I helped raise a spoiled little sister. She is in Belize and says that a $10 steak is cheap. She refuses to eat fish and her $$ flow is low. How in the hell is that cheap? She better get some bread and H20.

-> Leaving you Saturday night was one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time. Why does it seem my hard decisions always center around you?

-> From Grey's Anatomy...I don't make friends easily. From the Moody Gemini...I don't make friends easily. And I don't know why.

-> If the Celtics screw up tomorrow I will have to remove KG from He Can Get It List

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Quote of the Day

If I were to say, "God, why me?" about the bad things, then I should have said, "God, why me?" about the good things that happened in my life. ~ Arthur Ashe

May 14, 1963: Arthur Ashe, at 22, becomes the first African
American to make the U.S. Davis Cup tennis team.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause

Pollsters have found it difficult to accurately measure racial attitudes, as some voters are unwilling to acknowledge the role that race plays in their thinking. But some are not.

read more | digg story

Monday, May 12, 2008

What About You?

While I will more than likely not read Barbara Walter's book Audition, I love what she says. She has always been auditioning in her life. Whether it was with her husband(s), friends, child(ren),family, workplace or strangers...

Do you feel as if you are always auditioning in your life? Trying to fit in. Being accepted. Hoping that people like you?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Keys to My Heart

I stole this from Eb...

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

101 in 1001 Days-Update

How cool is this?

My baby cousin Chase offered to pay for my ticket to visit him in Hawaii? He ships out for his last tour in Iraq in October. Unfortunately he was placed on Stop-Loss. Those bastards. But he will get his butt out in 2010 and the whole family will be so happy!

So I am checking dates...Hawaii here I come. Who knows, I might not come back!

Chase is standing to my left. He joined the Army a year after this pic was taken. He was a baby...turned 18 the day he enlisted.

Quote of the Day

You just realize that survival is day to day and you start to grasp you own spirit, you start to grasp the depth of the human spirit and you start to understand your own ability to cope no matter what. - Melba Patillo Beals, In Henry Hampton, Voices of Freedom 1990

Ms. Beals was part of the Little Rock 9 who integrated Central High School.

And thanks Don for reminding me.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Hawks win again?

Boys what are you doing? C'mon Boston!

(s0rry I am not a Hawks fan.)

Is this Possible? Do YOU believe in it? What do you think?

Mariah & Nick

From iVillage...

I think back to my long~term boyfriend (7 yrs.) and I knew when he walked by me that I would have him. Although for the previous 2 months or so we argued constantly in class. Sometimes I want to say it was love at 1st sight, but really it was when he walked by me one day after class and I said...excuse my language..."I want to f@ck him" and it turned into a 7 year love affair. Do you think Mariah & Nick are in love or lust? Does love @ 1st glance really happen? Or do you have to grow into it?

Confirmation! Nick Cannon & Mariah Carey Are Married!

Holy cow!
Contrary to popular belief, Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey's reported union does
NOT seem to be an Ashton Kutcher scam.

E! checked in with Nick's family,
who confirmed
that the couple have, indeed, gotten married.
"Yes, we know. He called us
and told us all about it," said Nick's mom, Linda Cannon. "We are happy for him.
If that is what he wants, then we are happy for him." She then added, "I'm not
going to give you any details, but we are happy for him."

The New York
Post, who reported that Mimi and Nick said
their vows
at her new home in the Bahamas, also said that the nuptials were
so spur of the moment that Mariah didn't have time to have any sort of papers
drawn up, if you catch my drift.

"There was no prenup - there wasn't
time," said a source.
Another pal close to the couple chimed in, "Everyone
is happy to see her happy. And it could work out - some people know each other
for five years and get divorced. Maybe this is true, instant love."

Yeah, that's what you want people saying at your wedding -- "It could
work out."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Barack pulls the plug...

Barack Obama has made the extraordinary effort to cut all ties between himself and Rev. Wright.

read more | digg story