Thursday, May 22, 2008


I took this from Confessions of a Professional Woman

1. Where is your cell phone? Charging

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? NO

3. Your hair? A mess...needs deep conditioning

4. Your mother? Rare woman

6. Your favorite thing? Reading

7. Your dream last night? Married with a wonderful older man.

8. Your favorite drink? Vodka & tonic

9. Your dream car? Corvette

10. The room you're in? Controlled chaos

11. Your ex? Albany

12. Your fear? Disappointment

13. Your favorite number? 28

14. Where were you last night? At home

15. What you're not doing right now? Writing cover letters

16. Muffins? I stay away from bread hips don't like them

17. One of your wish list items? Contentment and happiness

18. Grew up at? GA Peach

19. The last thing you did? Walked my dog

20. What are you wearing? Jeans and Sports bra

21. Your TV? 32 inch

22. Your pet or pets? Dog

23. Your computer/laptop? Have both

24. Your life? Incomplete

25.Your mood? Tired, anxious, worried

26. Missing someone? Always

27. Neighbors? Who knows?

28. Your best friend? Ms. Bashir

29. Your work? Wish I had a job

30. Like someone? Not really

31. Your favorite color? Green

32. When is the last time you laughed? Goodness...


Anonymous said...

I feel you on #'s

4, (where's 5?) 6, 10, 16, & 17

And what's up with the older man I can feel you on that too!


Unknown said...

There wasn't one on her list either. Umm...who knows.

Don said...

Tired, anxious, worried I find myself in this position alot. Those are the times when I just allow the ink to flow. I also pray. I also take a deep breathe, and stand poised for whatever.

I enjoyed the read. I like to learn things about interesting people. Although I couldn't help but laugh where you wrote 'goodness.' LOL.

Enjoy your weekend.

Unknown said...

Genesis...I totally forgot to respond the older man thang. For whatever reason I have always been attracted to them. A 17 year old dating a 29 yr. old. They get me going....

Unknown said...


Goodness...trying to work my cursing...b/c I could have let a lot fly!