Friday, May 30, 2008

What I should be doing right now

My Gemini twin is taking me out to a club tonight for our birthday. (His actually twin will roll also.) I have not been out in over a year. Seriously. No clubs, strip clubs (I like them sue me), no bars. Nothing. SO, this night should be interesting.

What I should be doing right now...

^Washing my hair

^Giving myself a pedicure

^Choosing an outfit for the possible spots he suggested

^Hyping myself up to go


^Drinking large amounts of H20 since he wants to get me drunk...not going to happen (I will have to tell you about the last time about 6 yrs ago. Our Guardian was definitely in the driver seat.)

On another birthday was cool. Very low key. I went to Einstein's on Juniper with Ms. Bashir and after eating all my food (a HUGE accomplishment for me) and 3 martinis we went to Piedmont Park and walked for about an hour. So refreshing. I really didn't want to do anything too big since I am going to Hawaii in like 14 days!!

To my blog family that sent out beautiful birthday wishes thank you so much! Much love and kisses!

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