Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Randonmness...

^ I went to 6 Flags today after a 12 year hiatus. I enjoyed it much more this time around than my last time! Thanks to the Robinson clan!!

^ Why when the dysfunction in hometown comes to a head I never hear from them?

^ Why when I have done something to disappoint them I get the cold shoulder?

^ Tickets are booked!!!! I am off to Hawaii in June!!!

^ The baby got a bath and is not speaking to me!!! How can a dog not speak you ask? Trust me they are moody as hell.

^ I miss the companionship of a male. It's been so long. And I am not speaking of sex. That's been so long I forgot how to do it. Just a man.

^ I started up on a story I was working on back in '05. Enjoying the process again.

^ My birthday is Wednesday. I will be 32! For the 1st time in a loonngg time I am not excited. I am working on it.

^ I don't have all the answers so please stop asking for them.

^ Please stop using religion to justify your judgemental nature. It's ugly on you.

^ Still unemployed. SUCKS!!!

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