Monday, May 12, 2008

What About You?

While I will more than likely not read Barbara Walter's book Audition, I love what she says. She has always been auditioning in her life. Whether it was with her husband(s), friends, child(ren),family, workplace or strangers...

Do you feel as if you are always auditioning in your life? Trying to fit in. Being accepted. Hoping that people like you?


Don said...

I can honestly say, "No." I just do myself and roll with the punches. People are going to do what they are going to do, regardless. So I understand that philosophy and go from there...

Unknown said...

I wish I could say the same. The only time I stopped is when I lived 4 hour away from family and friends. From birth I was brought up to put on "the face" and it is part of my DNA now. I work on it daily. To stop. And I have been successful in the sense that I cut out people who when I stopped putting on "the face" they did not get me.

One day I will be like you...:)