Wednesday, May 7, 2008

101 in 1001 Days-Update

How cool is this?

My baby cousin Chase offered to pay for my ticket to visit him in Hawaii? He ships out for his last tour in Iraq in October. Unfortunately he was placed on Stop-Loss. Those bastards. But he will get his butt out in 2010 and the whole family will be so happy!

So I am checking dates...Hawaii here I come. Who knows, I might not come back!

Chase is standing to my left. He joined the Army a year after this pic was taken. He was a baby...turned 18 the day he enlisted.


Don said...

Many blessing for your brother in Iraq. I bet 2010 can't come soon enough. Also, enjoy yourself to the fullest in Hawaii. I know you will. You are lookinf fierce in that back in the day pic. Like...what?! LOL.

Unknown said...

Thanks! You know I will. I am a water baby and can't wait to try out the Pacific!

Poetic Genesis said...

You have GOT to post pics! Your brother will be in my prayers. My husband use to be in the military. I couldn't wait for it to be OVER... I know how you feel.


Unknown said...

Just to clear up...and no harm no foul...

Genesis & Don~

He is my cousin although we look like siblings.

We have decided on the the week of June 12 to 18.

I cannot wait!!!! And I will definitely post pics.

Hopefully, this will provide a boost to my state of mind.

And I will be forever grateful for his end to service. I worry about him everyday whether or not he is Iraq or on base. It is always dangerous.

@ Don~ Yeah I was all that back then. Those are boys are my babies. At the extreme I am 10 years older. I try to protect all of them.