Thursday, May 15, 2008

Random Thoughts...

My post have been infrequent of late. I just have not been here...really just existing. And that sucks. And I still have nothing to say, but I do have random thoughts as I sit here waiting on a phone call.

-> The Hornets are going to make me drive to N'awlins and kick their ass.

-> I have the most bougie dog in the world. I need it to stop raining so she will take her fat ass out and go to the bathroom. (She doesn't like her paws to get wet and literally hops around to keep them dry.) I have literally had to pick her butt up and drop her in the grass.

-> My baby started crawling this weekend!! I wish his Mom was here to witness it. She told us when we dropped her off at the airport to not put him on the floor. Yeah, right. Homeboy scooted his but off my lap, down my legs and took off.

-> My Mom really should not have bought me the case of Coke. I promised I would not drink it all at once. I really am trying Mom.

-> Back to the NBA...the Spurs have to be the most boring team on the planet. And I am not speaking strictly on their play. No one on that team has a personality. No one. Not even Tony Parker. They remind me of Utah during the Malone/Stockton era. Talk about watching paint dry.

-> I worked for your company for 4 years. Must you really put me through the paces of a new hire? You hired me once. You can hire me again. 3 months? Really? 3 months for all the paperwork to be completed? That's BS. You know it. I know it.

-> Ms. Bashir---thank you for coming into my life. Who would have thunk it?

-> You can have Daddy issues even if the man has been in your life since day one.

-> I have to face the fact that I helped raise a spoiled little sister. She is in Belize and says that a $10 steak is cheap. She refuses to eat fish and her $$ flow is low. How in the hell is that cheap? She better get some bread and H20.

-> Leaving you Saturday night was one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time. Why does it seem my hard decisions always center around you?

-> From Grey's Anatomy...I don't make friends easily. From the Moody Gemini...I don't make friends easily. And I don't know why.

-> If the Celtics screw up tomorrow I will have to remove KG from He Can Get It List


Don said...

paul pierce was on fire yesterday, wasn't he? i was hoping lebron won so detroit could revenge last years playoff lost. oh well.

nice pic, as usual.

Unknown said...

Paul was the man. He finally got some balls. I have often felt he was too soft. Funny how you say Lebron and not the Cavs. No Lebron. No Cavs.

I love taking pics. Not a fan of being in them. I don't think the pic looks like me. But the camera doesn't lie does it?