Thursday, May 1, 2008

Barack pulls the plug...

Barack Obama has made the extraordinary effort to cut all ties between himself and Rev. Wright.

read more | digg story


Don said...

barack needed too. i swear he did. reverend wright has lost his mind.

Eb the Celeb said...

Girl ya title scared the heck outta me... Thought he was pulling out of the race.

Unknown said...

Don~ Yep. He did. Brotha man refuses to see the bigger pic. It's not about him!

Eb~Sorry! LOL. But he did pull the right plug.

Janelle said...

Yeah the Rev has been trippin...
I'm glad to see barack distance him self from such nonsense...

I just wish the fact that Rudy Giuliani's Priest was accused by a grand jury of molesting and covering up the molsestation several children or that Romney's church did not view Black's as equals or that John McCain's reverend called the Catholic church the "great whore" and that "all muslims are trained to kill."
Won't some body put them on blast?

Unknown said...

Jane~ Wow... I did not know that!? The thing is everyone has people in their life who do trifling things, say trifling things or just act trifling. Although there is a saying that states we are judged by our friends, we can not control nor monitor who they are. We have to take the bad with the good if they are worth it.