Thursday, May 22, 2008

Music Listening...

So I am listening to my old tapes...yes TAPES. As in a tape recorder. A small plastic device with 2 wheels that turn the music. And guess who I came upon? Jermaine Stewart!!! Do you remember him? "You don't have to take your clothes off!" Yeah wouldn't that be the day?

What I love most about the lyrics of the song and the video is that he showed images of prom and graduation which is normal reason to give it up and he refrained. (And in my mind to make a point I will disregard the fact that he was gay and it was a woman going after him.) I so wish that we could ignore the expectant nature in us to just give in. There is no reason.

Ok. Off my soapbox. This is a great song. A great dance song. You can believe that I was dancing my ass off!!!!!!!!! The 80's were great!


Anonymous said...

GURL!!! Why did you take me back like that???

I use to love this song and the 80's!


Unknown said...

I know right? Dance your butt off!

Don said...

I remember Jermaine Stewart.

He was an incredible singer. I think the first time I saw him was on Soul Train singing The Word Is Out. Yeah, you took it wayy back then. LOL.