Sunday, March 2, 2008

what have you done

As a child you loved me. You were my first love. Made me feel as if I could conquer the world. I was beautiful. I was special. I was your greatest creation.

As I grew you decided I was not good enough. I could not reach the heights you once believed. You said I would never amount to anything. Not even a common laborer.

But I tried. I tried to prove you wrong. I wanted to show you that I still was that special little girl all grown up. That I was your greatest creation.

Each hurdle I overcame. Each mountain top I reached you always found a way to bring me back. Or was it further down?

You, you told me I was stupid instead of smart. You said that nothing will come of my life. And when I tried to show you the greatness of me you pushed me further down. You made me believe that death would be welcomed and that your greatest creation was nothing more than a fable.

But I am not a fable. I am flesh and blood. A creation of God. Not you. All that I am and will become comes from Him. Not you. I realize that now. Nothing you say can change that. Nothing you do can alter the plans He has for me. Not even you.

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