Friday, February 1, 2008

New Prospect

On Wednesday I go to my car to leave for a job interview and there is a note on my car. I am thinking "great some fool has swiped my car again". I park in a garage and too say parking is a mess is the understatement of the year. The complex tells you right off the bat there are not enough spaces for the tenants. WTF? Yeah so that's my thought. Low and behold it's a business card from someone who lives in the building telling me that I am adorable. :) I had to smile. It's been a long time since I have heard that.

Now I have no idea who this person is. But I thought take a chance. So I did email him after much thought. The saying don't shit where you eat comes to mind. He seems OK. I vaguely remember walking past him, but I usually do not pay the males in my building any attention. Most are gay. And I say this with facts backing it up. Honestly I remember the pizza box he was holding more than what the man looked like. The fact he was walking with another dude really dismissed him from my short-term memory. He wants to get together at some point over the weekend. His suggestion...gun range. Do you understand what alarm bells went off with that? I am not afraid of guns. I started shooting at age 4. Can breakdown and clean a gun with the best of them. My father's nickname is straight-shooter. Nuff said. But how do you fix your mouth to say that on a first date? Ugh.

I am trying not to do my initial brush off. It takes nothing for me to write someone off. The one question I forgot to ask was his age. Dang man. If I have one rule in got to be older than me!

Wish me luck! :)


Poetic Genesis said...

Good luck

That's some...umm... I don't even have the words... you betta watch


Unknown said...

I know right?! I told my father who is chief of police and his immediate response was "he wants to shoot you." How do you like them apples? The jury is still out.