Tuesday, January 29, 2008


"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."
I have often been asked if I have regrets in my life. At the age of 31 (how in the hell did that happen?) I have lived an active and varied life. There are events that I would not wish on my worse enemy and some that I would wish to bestow to all mankind. But throughout my 31 on years (and I will be 32 in less than 4 months...how in the hell did that happen?) I have never thought of my experiences as regrets.
That's why I love this quote. Life is all about the experiences you walk into. Not looking back and wanting to make changes. I try to put the bad experiences into a good category, even if it took months to recover. Because during that recovery I learned a lot about myself, my circle of friends and family and life. And for these revelations or new insights I am forever grateful. They have definitely made me into the almost 32 year old woman I present today. And I think I am doing a dang good job.

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