Tuesday, January 29, 2008



Well I had my interview and I believe it went well. The interviewers actually seemed interested in what I had to say and from what the position calls for I believe I have what it takes to do the job. Hopefully, I will receive a positive callback. Downside to the interview...I got a $10 ticket. Broke...not enough $ to put in the meter since pennies mean nothing now! UGH!!!

I have an interview tomorrow morning. I am so excited. I have had 2 interviews so far this year. That means a lot since I have been out of work since July 2007. WOW. Who would have thunk that it would be this long? My emotions have ran the gamut. From excitement that I did not have to get up at the crack of dawn to fight Atlanta traffic to complete depression and misery. More misery than excitement since money is gone and I am depending on the kindness of my family. And their kindness is running out of steam. Probably ran out a long time ago.

I am hopeful and prayerful that this interview goes well and I receive a call back for a second or at least a job offer. What I have experienced in this search is the lack of common sense or decency might be the better word, in the business world. I have had 2 previous interviews were I was a finalist and was told that I would receive a phone call either way. Never got that phone call. One would not reply to email or voicemail messages. What does that say about the company and more importantly what does that say about how we treat individuals? We treat each other poorly and I am not speaking of the job market specifically, but in the whole scheme of our world. I was so tempted to call my interviewers and ask them how they would feel if after searching and being out of work for 5 months they would feel if they never received a phone call after being told they would? How would they feel if after taking the time to re-work their resume and cover letter they never received a response that at the least say you are not what we are looking for? Most businesses do not take the time for that courtesy. And it is a simple courtesy. There is software available in the recruiter world that allows for a generic response --a yea or nay. I have found that the smaller and non-profit organizations are more courteous and send out letter...yes snail mail letter. What a treat to receive that letter! Yes I am disappointed that it was a reject letter but pleased that someone took the time to understand that the applicant likes to know and more importantly deserves to know that they did not meet the qualifications. Gracious people.

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