Thursday, November 29, 2007


What is with people? And I include everyone because this an universal issue. I have asked.

When did texting become the communication standard between potential suitors? How are you actually going to know a person without having a real conversation? Texting does not provide you to learn the nuisances of their speech, the subtle inflections that a phrase or topic may bring. You are left to interpret.

I remember I guy I dated and the way he said baby melted me every time. I never would have had that experience if all we did was text. Now with this new phenomenon of texting I will have to imagine what baby sounds like. And when we actually have a F2F, more than likely I will be highly disappointed. Imagination is just too powerful.

Plus, who has the time or the want to sit up all night texting someone? I know I don’t. Yet that’s the way it is going.

I went to coffee with someone, had a good time. So we have had F2F time and what does he want to do later on that night…text. I called to assure him that I arrived safely at home and he uses that darn text to respond. What kind of game is this?

And I need to be completely honest about texting…if you cannot read the King’s English or spell it…do not text!!!!!!!!!! Please do not text. Maybe it’s my degree in English, but if you really want to kill any chance with me…continually misspell words…I dare you. Now these are lawyers, bankers and people in politics. Communication is essential in these fields. A must! How in the world did they get this far? I blame every teacher that gave them a pass. But I digress.

So in this dating game am I suppose to go along with what I find wrong and unacceptable just so I can say I have someone?

That hurts my soul to even consider it…

Moody Gemini

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