Thursday, November 29, 2007

Saving My Laptop

I purchased my laptop in November 2005. It’s a Sony Vaio with Windows XP OS. As with all computers they begin to slow down and basically start acting funky. With all of the different files you create, download, and let’s not forget all of the music and pic files. The CPU just takes a beating and keeps on ticking. But the ticking becomes slower than a nanosecond. UGH!

Right now my laptop takes about 15 minutes to boot up. Totally unacceptable. For 2 reasons, that’s just a ridiculous amount of time and more importantly – I am too impatient for that. Way to impatient.

My first step is to remove all of the unused programs. I have always been leery of performing this because you never know when you might just actually want to use that program you found 5 months ago. J So I am saving most of them to CD’s. Yeah, yeah. I know jump drives are the way things roll these days, but finances are tight and I have hundreds of blank CDs. So I am going that route.

Before you say what about defrag? Well, I do that regularly. I have an awesome program, Auslogics Disk Defrag which I found at In my opinion it defrags better than the OS’s standard.

I am also searching for smaller antivirus software. I use Norton now. I have been a faithful prescriber for over 5 years. And I am a huge fan. But it takes up so much space and with all of the different add-ons slows up my startup. So is where I am headed.

My next step is to organize my pic files. As you have to organize and manage your old school photo albums the same goes with digital. One of my photo programs saves a digital negative of every file I alter. While I certainly appreciate the option it makes it hell trying to keep the files at a manageable size.

Well let you know how it is going…

Moody Gemini

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