Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I found this meme on Homegirl's page. Thought I would give it a try to help me understand myself. I answered the questions with in 5 seconds denying myself the ability to say what I think people want to hear although they did not ask. Enjoy!

1. At what age do you wish to marry? 34

2. What color do you like most? Green

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? South Pacific

4. Which part of you do you hate the most? Chicken ankles...thanks Jack

5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do? Withdraw

6. What are you afraid to lose the most? Myself

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? Go to my D. who is a financial advisor to get 75% of it in investments. Buy land for my parents so they can enjoy their grandkids. Open my own business (bookstore). Make sure I have a cottage on my parents land for when I need a retreat. Buy a place on the the beach for me alone.

8. How did you celebrate the New Year? At home alone. Nothing new. But wish it would change.

9. Til now, what is the moment that you regret the most? Private but I have forgiven myself.

10. Which type of person do you hate the most? Bullies and people who never move past their own hurt and take it out on others. Ungrateful, catty, people who love to pick you for information.

11. What is your ambition? To write, be a Mom, make sure my sister becomes all that she can be. Have a loving partner.

12. If you had one wish what would you wish for? To be happy.

13. Name one of your body parts your hubby or boyfriend tells you he adores: I have to go back to my old days of dating...been over year for me. My eyes. They betray my emotions but guys seem to digg them.

14. What is the best gift you can give someone this year? A break for my Mommie and sis when I kept Cameron.

15. List two of your Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions. I never make resoultions. I make a list whenever I feel myself struggling throughout the year to get me back on track.

16. What do you need to do this year in order for you to be happier in life? Except myself more. Understand as Mini'imah always says this is my trial period it will get better. And work my arse off to get a job.

17. What are the Top 2 things that you are most thankful for the year 2007 that made you even more happier for 2008? My nephew Cameron Isaiah. Not going off on my family as much and if I do actually apologizing.

18. What was the best lesson you learned in 2007 (be specific)? Allow people to show you who they are. It is the best gift they can give and know that although you might have known them for more than half your life does not mean they need to be in the other half.

19. In this very moment, are you doing what you thought you’d be doing at this stage in your life? NO. Not even close.

20. If you knew tomorrow was the final day of existence, what would you do today? I would be at home with my sister, Mommie and Daddy. And I would have one last look at Dimples.

21. If you could do over any moment or decision in your life, what would it be? Can't think of one. I am ok with my past. Just not my present.

I'm supposed to add a question to the list for the people I tag to answer...
22. If you could design your soulmate what would his/her characteristics be?

1 comment:

Miss Marie said...

Neat... I'm stealing this. I love you so much sister! I'm happy you love me back... and I'm happy you're my sister now... It's nice to have one.