Monday, February 25, 2008

A Wonderful Weekend

My sister and her son came up for a visit this weekend. And it was fantastic! I love my sister as if I birthed her myself. She came along when I was 13 years old so I feel like I have had a hand in raising her. (She will tell you the same thing.) What was so awesome about her visit this weekend is I am seeing a growing young woman. There was a time in her life that I thought I would have to kill her myself because of her attitude, decisions, and overall personality. She was going to be the death of my parents, I just knew it.

But low and behold she actually listened to the lectures, tantrums, begging, pleading and sometimes pops upside the head. She really did. Not long ago she admitted that she heard me a lot of the times she just didn't want to do it. I chalk that up to hormones and being a teenager. Of course I am not saying she is perfect now. There are still moments that I believe she needs a slap on the back of the head, but she is getting there and that makes me so proud. So happy. She is returning to my baby-girl again.

I was so worried about her having a child at 18. She is such a child now. Being the baby of the family with much older siblings was definitely a breeding ground for a spoiled Princess. (Side note: My father named her Diana after the Princess...she was destined.) She is still very much a child and a child who is accustomed to being catered to and pampered. Having a four month old does not allow that type of lifestyle. But she is learning. And making me proud.

When it was time for her to leave we both were sad. She only lives 65 miles away but it seems like a lifetime. Our ages are finally catching up to were we can have honest conversations and I do not have to always speak with the voice of the authority. I can be a sister. And that's all I have ever wanted. To be a sister.

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