Monday, February 11, 2008

Who is this guy?

I am always purging old to the point that I cannot stand clutter. Old age I guess. SO I was going through a file labeled "Personal." I never really remember what I place in the folder so I was so surprised when I came across this email from a guy.

"Hi Lee I hope you enjoy

I am never sure what life may bring
Sometimes I tend to overlook the beauty life brings
Too busy caught up in day to day strife
Now something different has happened
I thought of you last night
Highly impressed by your strength
Captivated by your smile
Humbled by the stories of your struggle
You have a genuine and sincere soul
Yes you are truly God's child
I continue to think of you
Over the roars of the machines
Over these nosey knuckleheads
Wanting to know what I am writing
Just noticing...
How there's a sweetness about you
A subtle warmness from your heart
That comes thru
Yet sometimes this world does not know how to take you
Mistake your care and and love, for being mean
I can see, you are a woman of virtue
Seeking to help, instead of watching
A peaceful soul
Enjoy your bath...
& Red Stripe...
Maybe even have your favorite Prince slow jam, playing in the background
While I think of you tonight"

All I can say is wow. Someone felt like that about me for me. This was printed from my email in 2002 and unfortunately I have no idea who the guy is. The email is a random name that does not identify and I honestly can't remember. Isn't that sad? What does that say about me? I know during that time I was in a true work in progress trying to overcome the lost of my long-term boyfriend (7 yrs.) and was not ready for commitment in any form.

This put a smile on my face. To have someone see me as I see myself. And he obviously knew me because he stated all of my favorites- Prince, Candles, Books and bath time.

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