Sunday, January 20, 2008

I am Virtuous...according to a quiz. Who knew???

You Are Incredibly Virtuous

You're so good that you may end up a saint.
You do the right thing a lot more than most people, even when it's near impossible.

You put a lot of thought in to every action you do. You always try to make the right decisions.
And that's all it takes to be a truly virtuous person.

Where You Are Virtuous

You have the virtue of Industry. You know how to do what's useful and avoid time wasters.

You have the virtue of Moderation. You don't do anything at excess, and you avoid extremes

You have the virtue of Order. You let each thing have it's place, and you keep your life in order.

You have the virtue of Silence. You avoid frivolous conversation, and you use your words carefully.

You have the virtue of Humility. You don't boast or brag.

You have the virtue of Justice. You treat other people fairly, even when you don't feel like it.

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