Monday, June 23, 2008


I tried earlier today to add Creative Commons to my website and was blocked because my IP address is on the block list. What do I need to do to add copyright to my page.

Do I need to change my address so I can get it or are there other options?


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

You know I was all set to tease you about this post because of this:"From the mind and genius that is the Moody Gemini". But since I am new here, I will give you a pass.

I don't have an answer to your question though...

Since I have nothing else to offer, I will say HEY!

Unknown said...


Tease on! I am a genius you know? It's just taking a while for other's to see it.

Welcome to my world!

Anonymous said...

Can't say I really have the answer because I'm sure you've already tried to copy and paste the code into an html frame in blogger...

Why would your ip address be blocked is the

Hope you find out soon. If not, email me (use the email feature on my profile page) and tell me what you did and I'll try to figure it out for you

Stay peace
