Friday, April 4, 2008


Reasons it SUCKS to Live Alone...
  1. Trash builds up if you don't take it out.
  2. If you don't wash the dishes the crud really does stick to the dishes.
  3. That 4 foot lump of clothes will not wash themselves.
  4. Your allergies get worse as the inches of dust continue to rise.
  5. Late nights - pillows can only do so much for a snuggle buddy.
  6. Flight of stairs + 7 bags of groceries + 1 trip = SUCKS
  7. Platinum can you learn to walk yourself?
  8. Each time you walk into the kitchen dinner is still not cooked.
  9. Refer to #1 (I hate taking out the trash, interviewing man-servants.)
  10. A step-stool in a chair to change the light-bulb. (Potential uncoolness moment)
  11. Having conversations with yourself. On a regular basis. And you respond.
  12. Parents question often "When are you getting a boyfriend? Been on a date recently? Whatever happened to?"
  13. No one waiting for me.
  14. Eating dinner alone.
  15. Cooking for one.
  16. You hide your liquor when your alki friends come over.

Reasons it is AWESOME to Live Alone...

  1. You can walk around in the nude.
  2. The shit in the fridge is yours. And yours alone.
  3. Lack of snoring. @ least you can't hear yourself.
  4. If you don't feel like making up the bed...who is going to complain? You?
  5. 3 am. Thirsty. Standing in front of the fridge downing Apple juice from the bottle. Priceless.
  6. Walking through the door after work. Peace. Quiet. Peace.
  7. No unwelcomed arguments. You don't have a dog in that fight!
  8. Privacy. See #1.
  9. Clean house. If you decide to clean @ 2.30 am...who cares?
  10. No one tells you who can visit and when.
  11. Your ears. Your mood. Your music.
  12. Bathroom is yours. All yours. As long as you want. Hello 90 minute bath.
  13. Reading for hours @ a time without feeling guilty.
  14. Taking a nap whenever you want.
  15. Your shoe count, your clothes, your shopping is your business.
  16. Dancing your ass off without a brah thinking his part of the show. Priceless.
  17. You can cry while watching talk shows, movies, commercials and/or sitcoms without someone asking "Why are you crying?"
  18. Female needs--unmentionables--left wherever without questions.
  19. All 8 pillows are yours!
  20. You control the remote.

* I have lived alone since 19. So I am a little skewed when it comes to this topic.

Do you have your own list? Want to add more? Tell me I am neurotic and selfish? Feel free to add!


Amina said...

FABULOUS POST!! i absolutely love it! i've also been living by myself since 4 years and i love every minute of it..
another advantage: you only eat your favorite foods!!

Unknown said...

Thanks! Years of living alone is awesome! So true! Favorite foods makes life great!

||miss neekuh|| said...

if you chose to play hookie from school/ one will know... :)

Unknown said...

So true!!!