Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why I Don't Have Children

1. Have not met the man who can deliver


the real NUMBER ONE reason is named Platinum.

My ex Dimples gave her to me back in 97. She was our little girl at the time. And when we ended she became my little girl. She is my little girl in so many ways but mainly because I cannot take a step without having her take one with me. The dang dog will not eat unless I stand in the kitchen with her! Some part of her body has to touch me. It just doesn't work for her unless she is close to me. When I have had the fortune of having a date or a man come over to the house she will jump her blind (yes she has serious vision problems now) butt on the futon between us. I can hear her..."Don't you touch my Mommie!" When I leave the house she sits at the door waiting. I can't open the dang door without knocking her in the head. And she is so neurotic that anymore damage will undoubtedly enhance her tendencies.

But she loves me when no one else does. A few pics for your enjoyment!


Anonymous said...

If it's not human in this household it will die. I am not very good at taking care of anything except for the children. I love doggies from afar, but if I had to be the caretaker I shrug to think what would happen to it.

Anyway, Platinum is precious, and there's a time for everything else.

Unknown said...

Thanks! You are right. A time and place.

Miss Marie said...

My sweet baby.. it's okay.. you don't need any kids right now... cause you can have mine!




you have to give him back