Friday, March 28, 2008

Rev. Wright's letter to the NYT about Obama

I try not to involve myself in the climate that is our political season in 2008. One reason is because it has been going on for so long that all that is left is mudslinging. We know were each candidate stands, we more than likely know who we are voting for in November. Now it's like running for Mr. & Ms. at your high school. Who do you like more? Popularity contest.

Another reason is that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions. I do not want to influence anyone. It rubs me the wrong way when people do it to me. Suggestions are fine, but don't beat my head up with it.

When the Rev. Wright "incident" came forth I was not shocked by his statements nor what the rest of America had to say. The rest of America meaning people who do not attend Black Churches. If you haven't been then you don't understand. I have a righteous, eloquent, charimastic, loving, and giving pastor
back home. Rev. Hope is known for his antics in the pulpit. Every sermon has a prop...balloons, Hershey candy bar, Joy soap, and even my Daddy's iron shackles (that sermon was about being yoked with your partner). He proudly displays, incorporates and demonstrates all of his props. I do not agree with he has to say each Sunday I attend. He is not radical in my eyes but some beliefs just don't settle well with me and what I believe as I have grown up. Who knows one day I may come back to some of his views. OK...I say this to say this...

No one can control or monitor what comes out of other's mouth. No one!! Each person in our life offers a little bit. And it is up to us to take the good and the bad and roll with it. Take what speaks to you and embrace it. What goes against your soul, disregard. Most people are in our life for a season. Take the season. People who say you should drop this person because he believes this or does this is are sooo judgemental. And who is suppose to JUDGE? Not the imperfect being. I know people who have done hard drugs. Did I leave them because of this? No, I helped them overcome. I have friends who really hate white people. I want to ask what white person pissed them off, but I do not place them on my "do not answer" call list. Every person on the Earth has something to offer. Take it. It may be you see what they do and know you will not do that or it will be I want to be like her.

Barack took his sermons from Rev. Wright and learned. He dissected. He pondered. He dismissed. He did what every Christian should do. Because after all the religion we are all practicing has been shifted, corrupted, and formed to master an entire race. We cannot fault nor criticize Barack for embracing religion. I want someone who understands that we are here by the grace of God. No matter what name you place on that title. The person, being, spirit or whatever that you answer to at night.

Barack's speech on race was awe inspiring. He is eloquent. He understands the written and spoken word. I LOVE that about him. I believed from the beginning that Rev. Wright was handed a sack of spoiled chicken. Also felt that the media was taking this all too serious, but who could fault them. Their understanding is truly limited. And if the Clintons were not in this election they would definitely support Barack and Rev. Wright. They probably have been in more black churches than half of black of America. to the article following this random musing...Rev. Wright wrote the reporter of NYT that published and disgraceful and withholding article regarding his role in Barack's campaign. I don't know why I decided to blog about this now. But at 5 am in the morning you really don't question what you mind thinks. Just go with it.

Rev. Wright's letter is exceptional. He stated his position. I respect it. Please read.

"For two hours, I talked with you about how idealistic he was. For two hours I shared with you what a genuine human being he was. I told you how incredible he was as a man who was an African American in public service..."

read more digg story

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