Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some of My Random Thoughts during my trip

^So glad I stayed up & was tipsy so I could sleep through the 12 hours on the plane.

^Please let me like this girl. Please, please, please.

^I am so broke......Why am I in Hawaii? Because he wants me here & that's enough for me.

^This is the life. Laying on the sofa in the patio....miles of ocean.

^OMG!!! He is trying to get me drunk!!! & nice enough to buy my beer-Guinness!!

^He is a Colquitt...he can cook!!!

^Weird that I can be cold Hawaii. Had to borrow a sweat shirt and lounging pants.

^He doesn't have AC & leaves his patio door open...Can people still do that?

^Flip flops are all the rage! Heels not needed!

^So shocked that the ocean is cold to me. But I enjoyed the sun, the breeze, & the people watching.

^How cool is it that a couple married 50 feet from me on the beach?!? It was so sweet. & cheap. That's what I am talking about.

^Snorkeling is fun. But those damn flippers. I believe I can do without. Proud of myself that I tried it & LOVED IT!

^I love it that we can go back to the house & just chill & talk. No need to "plan" anything.

^She loves the hell out of him. I am glad. He deserves it. I want someone to watch out for him.

^Her 1st time out in a bar. A novice.

^I despise men trying hard. Vodka tonic is not a grown woman drink. And saying that is not a compliment.

^Do not walk up to me asking why I am frowning. Obviously because of you & no I do not need lasik or contacts. I just don't want to put my glasses on. I look cute with them don't think anything different.

^Saying "Two ships passing in the night" does not make want to fuck you. Even with your British accent.

^And giving me 2x shots of vodka & tonic does not endear me to you.

^Are you kidding me? "Does your breath stink?"
"Does my breath stink?"

"What? Why would you ask me that? Don't you know?"

"I haven't brushed my teeth since this morning."

"It's 2 am. "OMG"

^Staying up to see the sunrise in Hawaii. Priceless.

^Can't remember the name of the sandwich shop, but it was the best sub I have ever had!

^Telling you about our family is awesome. I am so happy & grateful that you want to know.

^Yeah I know I have all the secrets of our family. Cool huh?

^WTF? I am too drunk to skydive!

^No I just woke up. I am jumping out of plane!

^Why is my body RED?

^OMG! I am suppose to leave today! I can't jump!

^You are the greatest! Thanks for extending my trip!

^I hate you!

^I love you!

^I am the bomb! Watch me do 1-arm push ups!

^No you didn't just do a split!

^Don't your dumb ass fall of this cliff. I am not telling Grandma I lost you. And you won't get her potato salad.

^Thank you for giving me one of the best vacations and experiences of my life!

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