Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My random thoughts of the day...

+ How many times can Madonna reinvent herself? And will she ever put on clothes on?

+ Thinking of my "footprint" what did we use before toilet tissue was invented?

+ Why when you click "next blog" on blogger.com you always end up on an overseas blog? Do Americans not blog?

+ Why do people avoid you when they know you are going to be pissed about something they did?

+ Isn't Horatio Cane on CSI:Miami the coolest?

+ I still believe that when people sit with their mouth open --it's a sign of dumbness. (Thanks Daddy for that belief.)

+ High School Confidential on WE reminds me why I did not like high school.

+ How do you overcome insomnia? Can someone help me go to bed at a decent hour? (Notice the post times.)


Don said...

when you find out how to overcome insomnia without meds, please let me know.

what did we use before toilet tissue? another great question. probably paper. soft paper.

love the new layout. welcome to the darkside. lol.

Unknown said...

Yeah right...no meds?!

Thanks for welcome...Ha ha

Don said...

lol @ yeah right...no meds.

almost impossible, huh?